Saving some links for possible inclusion as advanced features...

Added by J. Simmons about 11 years ago

Here are a couple of projects/sites that I think may lend themselves nicely to inclusion as features in later versions of ODE. I am placing them here instead of the issue tracker because I want to us to discuss them a little before we document them to see what we would want to do with them.

  • Discourse - a very interesting new open source forum system which runs on Ruby on Rails. It is much more focused on discussions than on threads, and has all sorts of modern UI and behaviors. It might make an interesting alternative to traditional forums in projects
  • writeLaTeX - This looks a lot like Google Docs for LaTeX, and while not open source itself, it is built on several open source projects. Interesting features from this project which could be helpful in ODE include live preview (wouldn't that be nice for the wiki) and it looks like (need to text this) other users' edits are shown in real (or almost real) time (again, how great would that be for the wiki). Plus, it would be great to be able to support a rich document type on ODE for collaborative work on manuals, presentations, papers, etc.

Replies (3)

RE: Saving some links for possible inclusion as advanced features... - Added by J. Simmons about 11 years ago

And another interesting link

  • Thing Tracker Network - proposal for how to implement a distributed/federated "thing" search system. Might be helpful for global project search idea (where users can search from ODE and find projects/components regardless of what site is hosting the projects/components

RE: Saving some links for possible inclusion as advanced features... - Added by J. Simmons over 10 years ago

Open Source Drop Box clone which could be interesting to look at as a potential feature/replacement for DMSF -
