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Camdon Cady, 12/06/2014 02:22 pm

Development Setup

The following instructions are meant to help get the ODE application up and running on your local workstation. Note, these instructions assume you are setting up a development environment on Linux/OS X.


  • SVN
  • MySQL (Currently tested with MySQL v5.1)
  • Ruby 1.8.7 (with Development Tools)
  • Bundler (may need to update gem to 1.4+)
    gem install bundler
    • To update gem you may need to run (su to root):
      REALLY_GEM_UPDATE_SYSTEM=1 gem update --system
    • After this update you'll need to reinstall bundler.
  • Install Ruby on Rails (Currently tested with Rails v2.3.16)
    gem install rails --include-dependencies -v 2.3.16

Code checkout

To get started, create a local repository with svn checkout:

svn checkout https://opendesignengine.net/svn/ode/trunk

Create Development Database

You will need to setup a local development MySQL database and call it 'ode_development'. Next we need to create a new database.yml so the application knows how to connect to the database. To accomplish this, simple copy the database.yml.exampe file:

cd trunk
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

Under the production: section of the the config file, fill in the database name, username, and password. Be sure to create the database in MySQL afterwards.


To install the required third-party gems to run the ODE application, we run the following Bundler command:

bundle install

Note: You may also need to install the libmysqlclient-dev package to get the MySQL gem to install.

Database Preparation

To prepare the database, we first need to run migrations:

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate

and for the plugins:

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate_plugins

We now need some seed data to get started:

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed

Running the Application

Now we should be ready to run the application locally:

RAILS_ENV=production script/server

If all goes well, you should be able to open the application at http://localhost:3000

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