
Version 15 (Greg Moran, 03/15/2014 02:14 pm)

1 10 Jeremy Wright
h1. Ground Sphere Testing v0.2
2 1 J. Simmons
3 3 J. Simmons
This document contains Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) for both the prototype and production QA.  The prototype plan is designed to ensure the design meets with the specified [[Requirements Document|requirements]].  The QA plan is designed to ensure kits meet quality requirements before being shipped to a customer.
4 1 J. Simmons
5 1 J. Simmons
6 1 J. Simmons
7 3 J. Simmons
h2. Prototype TEMP
8 1 J. Simmons
9 8 J. Simmons
Prototype test and evaluation cover the full range of ground station functions.  This includes satellite tracking, signal acquisition, "space tweet" decoding.  Additionally, the assembly process will be tested in later prototypes.  Note, test numbers correspond to the requirement the test verifies (for example, Test 1.1.2 verifies requirement TR 1.1.2).  TEMP was developed at the "#EngineerSpeak Hangout on Dec 5, 2013":https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FUgkR5x6Q_Ntf4Is3PuO9rHZiuVqsDXi9DWzXj2cbBs/pub.
10 1 J. Simmons
11 4 J. Simmons
|_.Requirement |_.Requirement Title                                                   |_.Verification Method |_.Version |_.Status  |_.Notes                       |
12 7 J. Simmons
|TR 1.1.1          |Predict SkyCube flyover opportunities                       |Demonstration           |v0.1         |"Pass [2013.12.05]":https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FUgkR5x6Q_Ntf4Is3PuO9rHZiuVqsDXi9DWzXj2cbBs/pub  |Using 3rd party tool, "GPredict":http://gpredict.oz9aec.net/ which meets requirement assuming ground station location and SkyCube "TLE":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-line_element_set are known|
13 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.1.2          |Receive radio signals on 915 MHz                             |Test                           |v0.1         |TBD                        |[[Test 1.1.2 Instructions]] |
14 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.1.3          |Decode "space tweet" message from SkyCube           |Test                           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Lab tests at Southern Stars using v0.1 Ground Sphere and backup SkyCube to confirm correct reception and decoding of "space tweets" |
15 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.1.4          |Account for Doppler shift                                          |Demonstration           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Prereq: Test 1.1.2; show ground station software tunes SDR for doppler shift and that this provides longer signal reception than without feature turned on when observing NPS cubesat |
16 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.2.1          |Time to assemble                                                      |Demonstration           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Juli & Greg will assemble a v0.2 kit at Quelab and time the assembly process |
17 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.2.2          |Tools for assembly                                                    |Inspection                  |v0.2         |TBD                        |Inspect kit assembly instructions to verify the list of tools required meets the spec|
18 9 J. Simmons
|TR 1.3             |Have low shipping costs for the packaged kit            |Test                           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Collect components and measure required volume, compare to published shipping rates|
19 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.4.1          |Software must run on Windows                                 |Demonstration           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Install and run software on Win7 and Win8 x86 and 64bit versions |
20 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.4.2          |Software must be easy to install                                |Demonstration           |v0.2         |TBD                        |Show there is an installer and run it to verify the software installs correctly|
21 6 J. Simmons
|TR 1.4.3          |Hardware must connect to PC using standard port(s)|Inspection                  |v0.1         |"Pass [2013.12.05]":https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FUgkR5x6Q_Ntf4Is3PuO9rHZiuVqsDXi9DWzXj2cbBs/pub   |Design documentation specifies use of USB SDR module -> connection to ground station computer is a USB connection |
22 4 J. Simmons
|TR 1.5             |Hardware must be robust                                          |Analysis                     |v0.1         |TBD                        |During the design phase from v0.1 to v0.2 look at each component and determine potential failure modes and whether they need mitigation|
23 1 J. Simmons
24 15 Greg Moran
25 15 Greg Moran
26 12 Greg Moran
h2. Quality Assurance TEMP
27 13 Greg Moran
28 12 Greg Moran
This set of instructions will be used to verify that each of the Groundsphere kits will be delivered in a working condition.  
29 12 Greg Moran
30 12 Greg Moran
h3. Hardware Assembly
31 13 Greg Moran
32 12 Greg Moran
* Verify the parts fit together
33 14 Greg Moran
> # Follow the Kit assembly instructions
34 14 Greg Moran
* Verify electrical connectivity
35 14 Greg Moran
> # Power Connectors
36 14 Greg Moran
> # Data connectors
37 11 Greg Moran