Aerodynamics Card Storming

Version 12 (Matt Maier, 11/05/2014 10:21 pm) → Version 13/15 (Matt Maier, 11/05/2014 10:38 pm)

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h1. Aerodynamics Card Storming

h2. Unsorted list of ideas

* Wind Tunnel Projects (a'la the Shepard Test Stand)
** The CCL mentions wind tunnels.
** 9B005 is for the controls/instruments "_9B005 On-line (real time) control systems, instrumentation (including sensors) or automated data acquisition and processing equipment, specially designed for use with any of the following wind tunnels or devices (see List of Items Controlled)_"
** 9B105 is for the wind tunnel itself "_9B105 Wind tunnels for speeds of Mach 0.9 or more, usable for "missiles" and their subsystems_"
* survey all of the rocket aerodynamics software and rank by utility, ease-of-use, and openness
** since it's just a survey of what's already available any export control issues will already be known
* port J's masters thesis on fin flutter analysis/optimization to open source tools
** since it's already public domain I don't forsee a problem
* parametric #CodeCAD models of fins (suitable for 3D printing, milling, and drafting)
** the USML Category IV (rockets & launch vehicles) says that any rocket parts are controlled
** "_(h) All specifically designed or modified components, parts, accessories, attachments, and associated equipment for the articles in this category. (i) Technical data..._"
** but if we just copy things that are already in the public domain, like out of a textbook, it should be fine
** also, since hobby/high-power rockets are exempt, the parts for those should be fine
* Practice/document manufacturing processes for aero structures, hotwire for foam, cutting balsa for fins, 3D printing, etc
** ** the USML Category IV (rockets & launch vehicles) says that any manufacturing information is also controlled
** "_(i) ...Technical data directly related to the manufacture or production of any defense articles enumerated elsewhere in this category that are designated as Significant Military Equipment (SME) shall itself be designated SME._"
** since hobby/high-power rockets are exempt, the manufacturing information for those should be fine
* Build a computing cluster
** I didn't find anything in the CCL or USML, but I might not know what words to search for
* Make the computing cluster opt-in (from donated hardware/time)
** I did find this thing (.pdf) which says that providers of cloud computing services are not exporters
* Study/research impact of surface finish on aerodynamic surfaces
** not sure. this kind of thing could get captured simply because it's a "part" of something controlled
* Research/study aerodynamic “fixes” (like trip lines, vortex generators, etc)
** I'm not clear on what this is
* Visualization tools/processes for aerodynamic phenomenon/flows (smoke, pressure sensitive paint, streamers, Schlieren)
** Not clear on this
* Scaled composites style wind tunnel by “car/truck”
** is this the one where we put a funnel on a truck and drive really fast instead of powering a stationary wind tunnel?
** probably just counts as a windtunnel; see first comment
* How fast of a wind tunnel is reasonable to build?
** This will have at least two dimensions
*** what does physics say
*** what does EC law say
* Design processes for wind tunnels by target regime
** if this is just summarizing stuff out of textbooks it won't be a problem
* How to’s for wind tunnel analysis (things like dealing with Reynold’s number etc to properly scale test articles)
** we can probably get that out of some textbooks, so no EC problems
* Using other “tricks/hacks” to do wind tunnel style tests (UAVs, mounting to model rockets, etc) <- expands the car idea above
** probably the same as the other wind tunnels
** it would be interesting to see if we could get around the mach restrictions on wind tunnels by dropping an unpowered funnel out of the sky. Maybe it's not technically a wind tunnel if it's unpowered.
* Software tools for aero stability (not controls or guidance)
** hard to figure out the right words to differentiate
** this kind of software could easily get wrapped up in a catch-all, like if it's "used to operate"
* Laboratory measurement software and equipment, especially distributed viewers of a test to remote locations
** this is probably okay as long as it doesn't do anything special
* Research/study impact and limits on externally mounted features (like antennas, etc) on aerodynamic performance (flow perturbation analysis)
** see NACA Aerodynamic DB (subsonic), see NASA for supersonic
** can document how to use sources like that including doing a flight test with a model rocket
* Hydro tunnel projects
** I'm not sure if this counts as a wind tunnel; probably does
* Cheat sheet/booklet/software for aerodynamic calculations (Cd/Cl build up to go from design to rough estimate of total Cd/Cl)
** this would be fine
** also, it probably already exists
* Add ability to include environmental impact (rain, fog, etc) to wind tunnel to test performance under all weather conditions
** I haven't seen anything that cares if the wind tunnel can do extreme environments
** this might be a way to make a low mach number wind tunnel useful
* Aerodynamic analysis/design of a stable recovery system for payload module in case of vehicle failure (no thrusters or parachutes, like a seed pod)
** it seems like this would be inherently separate from rockets and launch vehicles, since it would be a payload
** the USML Category VIII (a) covers things that specifically drop military equipment
** "_(a) Aircraft, including but not limited to helicopters, non-expansive balloons, drones, and lighter-than-air aircraft, which are specifically designed, modified, or equipped for military purposes. This includes but is not limited to the following military purposes:...cargo carrying or dropping, personnel dropping..._"
** the CCL specifically says that section in the USML applies to parachutes
** "_9A018...Related Controls: (a) Parachute systems designed for use in dropping military equipment, braking military aircraft, slowing spacecraft descent, or retarding weapons delivery; AND (b)Instrument flight trainers for combat simulation are subject to the export licensing authority of the U.S. Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls. (See 22 CFR part 121, Category VIII.) _"
* Investigate using OpenVSP for model/high power rocket design/layout
** should be fine since it's for exempt rockets
* Extend analysis of aero stability and aero characteristics software and calcs to include subsonic, transonic, and supersonic regimes
** that will probably be controlled; I've seen several places where various mach numbers are important
** but there is already a lot of stuff in textbooks, so we could probably gather all of that up
* Investigation of aerodynamic mechanisms (glider wings, canard fins, etc)
** this doesn't seem specific enough
* Simulate/study aero-structural analysis (include aeroelasticity, etc)
** I don't know enough about this to say