
Version 9 (Aaron Harper, 05/03/2016 07:10 pm) → Version 10/16 (J. Simmons, 05/15/2016 11:56 am)

h1. Resources


h2. Technical Link Budget References

* [[Link Budgets]] Background Material
** "Link Budget Calculation":
** "Tutorial on Basic Link Budget Analysis":
* Example Calculations
** "KickSat Ground Station Link Budget": (MS Excel)
** "Jan King's AMSAT link budget +extensive+": (MS Excel)
* Video Tutorials
These vidoes are proof of concept video tutorials, and will be replaced with a more polished version as time permits.
** "Link Budgets Part 1, Intro to Satellite Link Budgets":
** "Link Budget part 2, Transmission Segment":
** "Link Budget part 3, Trigonometry Refresher":
** "Link Budget part 4, Propagation Loss":
** "Link Budget part 5, Ground Segment":
** "Link Budget part 6, Putting It All Together":
** "Link Budget part 7, Software Solutions":

h2. ISS SSTV Links

* "SSTV activity being planned for late Dec. 2015 (Now Jan.)": - March and April 2016 are the new target dates

h2. Software Tips and Tricks

* "Content for testing and configuring WxToImg":