Flight Log Sheet Instructions v1 0

Version 5 (Jeremy Wright, 10/18/2012 07:41 pm)

1 1 Jeremy Wright
h1. Flight Log Sheet Instructions v1.0
2 2 Jeremy Wright
3 3 Jeremy Wright
The Far Horizons Flight Log sheet is used during the assembly and chase portions of the flight. All sections need to be filled out properly to ensure good post-flight analysis. A version of the log sheet has been labeled with numbers below followed by an explanation of each section.
4 2 Jeremy Wright
5 1 Jeremy Wright
6 3 Jeremy Wright
7 5 Jeremy Wright
*0*: The "FLIGHT NUMBER" in this section is used as an ID for the flight. The easiest way to track this is to number each launch in order starting from 1 (or something like 001) and associate that number with not only the log sheet, but all video and data files as well.
8 1 Jeremy Wright
9 5 Jeremy Wright
*1*: "MISSION OBJECTIVES" are goals that you have for the mission. Examples would be "Highest altitude ever achieved", "Test rockoon launch system", and "Provide platform for student payload". The idea is that you are making the investment to fly a HAB mission, so what is it for?
10 5 Jeremy Wright
11 5 Jeremy Wright
*2*: The "PARTICIPANTS" section holds the names of everyone that takes part in the balloon assembly and launch phases. Additionally, it is helpful to list what task a person performed. Personal and emergency contact information should be collected for each participant prior to a mission, but should not be included in this section.
12 5 Jeremy Wright
13 5 Jeremy Wright
*3*:"LAUNCH CONDITIONS" refer to the ground level weather conditions at the launch site. If you do not have an Internet connection at the launch site and also do not have any way to measure the conditions, you will need to look them up prior to travelling to the site.