Quelab Space Balloon design discussion

Added by Jeremy Wright over 11 years ago

Originally posted by Greg Moran on 06-24-12 on the Far Horizons v1.0 project.

Here's a first post with some intro pics of the Quelab space balloon, based on the Adler Far Horizon's balloon project. Subjects:

- Team Photo
- Project "theme" brainstorming
- initial discussion of the differences between the Quelab Space Balloon and the Adler Far Horizon Balloon
- First build project: Yagi antenna for tracking beacon

2012-06-17_15.10.57.jpg - The design team (before pic) ...is a highly motivated and intensely qualified bunch of folks B-) (1.5 MB)

2012-06-17_15.26.12.jpg - Initial brainstorming documentation (via flipchart) (1.5 MB)

2012-06-22_20.22.18.jpg - build project: Direction finding "Yagi" antenna (1.5 MB)

2012-06-22_20.30.47.jpg - build project: Direction finding "Yagi" antenna, electronic assembly (1.6 MB)

2012-06-22_21.21.12.jpg - build project: Direction finding "Yagi" antenna, looking for "older" Coaxial cable via Greg's house wiring (1 MB)

Replies (1)

RE: Quelab Space Balloon design discussion - Added by Jeremy Wright over 11 years ago

Originally posted by Greg Moran on 06-24-12 on the Far Horizons v1.0 project.

Project Themes:
- Quelab logo flight - capture a pic of the Quelab logo with the curvature of the Earth in the background
- Space Green Chilis - launch seeds of the New Mexican (Hatch?) Green chilis into space... makes it a truely New Mexican project. May get sponsorships from local companies. QUESTION: What to do with the seeds afterwards? (Grow them, sell them, study them?)
- Bulk paper airplane launch, from altitude
- In-flight video
- Launch a Team photo
