Yavin Thruster Initial Questions v0.1

Project Background Questions

BQ1. Why are we making this?

BA1. To create an educational project which combines both propulsion design and testing. In combination with the Shepard Test Stand technology yields a full turnkey package.

BQ2. Who is this for?

BA2. Undergraduate aerospace and high level high school students and Mach30 Volunteers.

BQ3. How will this be used?

BA3. Demonstrate fundamentals of propulsion systems design and testing of a cold gas thruster to include thrust, specific impulse, expansion ratio, chamber pressure, throat area, and controls.

BQ4. Who's going to build this?

BA4. Mach30 volunteers,undergraduate aerospace and high level high school students with instructor involvement. Unit will be able to be built with commonly available components and 3D printed parts.

Technical Requirement Questions

TQ1a. What features does it need to have (now)?

TA1a. The project needs to:

TQ1b. What features does it need to have (later)?

TA1b. In the future, the project (or related projects) may need to:

TQ2. What are the legacy requirements?

TA2. To maintain compatibility with other projects, the system should:

Project Requirement Questions

PQ1. How many do we want to make?

PA1. For V0.1, there should be at least two units built to demonstrate repeatability. For V1.0, since this is an easily constructed device with a strong educational component, it should be offered as a kit and would ideally see adoption into the curricula of many educational institutions as well as many interested private parties including Mach30 volunteers.

PQ2. What is the budget?

PA2. $850.00 for complete V0.1 per Mach30 2015 budget.

PQ3. What is the timeline?

PA3. Complete and demonstrated by the end of calendar year 2015.

PQ4. What waste products will be produced by the manufacture and/or operation of this?

PA4. Plastic scraps and 3D printed experimental components. Note that if PLA is used, these waste products will be biodegradable.