h1. Software Source Code v1.0 This document has been relinked to the Software Source Code document "here":https://opendesignengine.net/projects/shepard-ts/wiki/Software_Source_Code as part of our versioning system update. In order to download the latest source code for the data acquisition (DAQ) software, you will need a subversion client. On Linux, you can install the subversion package and then execute the following on a command line.
svn co https://opendesignengine.net/svn/shepard-ts
This will download the source tree to the current directory. The top level directory will be @shepard-ts@ and the most current version will be in the @trunk@ directory. There will also be milestone versions available for download from "DMSF":https://opendesignengine.net/dmsf/shepard-ts?folder_id=16 . These versions will not necessarily be up-to-date though. For instructions on how to use the software, please see the "Operating Manual":https://opendesignengine.net/projects/shepard-ts/wiki/Operating_Manual_v1_0