Shepard Test Stand Software Source Code v1.1

This is a newer document based on this one , and you should refer to that original version if you want to see the revision history.

In order to download the latest source code for the data acquisition (DAQ) software, you will need a subversion client.

Please be aware that the newest versions of Shepard DCS will not work with this version of the Shepard DAQ. You'll want to check out version 22 instead.

On Linux, you can install the subversion package and then execute the following on a command line.

svn co

This will download the source tree to the current directory. The top level directory will be shepard-ts and the most current version will be in the trunk directory.

There will also be milestone versions available for download from DMSF . These versions will not necessarily be up-to-date though.

For instructions on how to use the software, please see the Operating Manual