
The intent of the OSAP is to create and distribute specifications for a generic new-generation anchor suitable for fabrication from readily available materials and using fabrication methods commonly accessible throughout the world.

This project developed out of discussion on CruisersForum. If you wish to participate in the development of this project you must be a registered member at CruisersForum.

To participate:

To participate:

1. Register as a User with this website.

2. Register as a user at CruisersForum

3. PM the user "Foolishsailor" on CruisersForum and express your interest along with an email address and your username on OpenDesignEngine.net and you will be added to this working group

4. Join the Social Group on CruisersForum, Open Source Anchor Project

5. Follow discussion of the development of this project in the thread Open Source Anchor Project

We look forward to your participation.

Issue tracking

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Manager: JC Durbin
Developer: Glenn Dennis, Mark Cote

Terms of Service Signers: JC Durbin, Mark Cote, Glenn Dennis
