h1. Initial Questions vX.x {{toc}} h2. Project Background Questions h3. BQ1. Why are we making this? *BA1*. _..._ h3. BQ2. Who is this for? *BA2.* _..._ h3. BQ3. How will this be used? *BA3*. _...._ h3. BQ4. Who's going to build this? *BA4.* _..._ h2. Technical Requirement Questions h3. TQ1a. What features does it need to have (now)? *TA1a.* _The project needs to:_ * _...._ h3. TQ1b. What features does it need to have (later)? *TA1b.* _In the future, the project (or related projects) may need to:_ * _..._ h3. TQ2. What are the legacy requirements? *TA2.* _To maintain compatibility with other projects, the system should:_ * _..._ h2. Project Requirement Questions h3. PQ1. How many do we want to make? *PA1.* _..._ h3. PQ2. What is the budget? *PA2.* _..._ h3. PQ3. What is the timeline? *PA3.* _..._ h3. PQ4. What waste products will be produced by the manufacture and/or operation of this? *PA4.* _..._