
Embed YouTube Videos

{ {youtube(fciwFk0IfF8)} } (without the spaces) =>

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Embed Vimeo Videos

{ {vimeo(33510073)} } (without the spaces) =>

Embed Pledgie Badge

{ {pledgie(9822)} } (without the spaces) =>

click here to donate!

Embed Kickstarter Badge

{ {kickstarter(*account name*,*project name or url path*)} } (without the spaces) =>


{ {kickstarter(fallmedia,Alphabet Apparel)} }

{ {kickstarter(fallmedia,alphabet-apparel)} }

Embed Paypal Buttons

PayPal Button Types

{ {paypal_donate(*button id*)} } (without the spaces) =>


{ {paypal_buynow(*button id*)} } (without the spaces) =>


{ {paypal_cart(*button id*)} } (without the spaces) =>

button id is generated from PayPal
example where 7T7Z7DHEDQA6L becomes our button id

  <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="7T7Z7DHEDQA6L">

Embed Issue Details

{ {issue_details(35)} } (without the spaces) =>

Sandbox - Support #35: This is a test issue for the sandbox - Needs estimate (New)
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