h1. Development Plans The original discussions about the development of ODE took place in Mach 30 "meetings":http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12657120/mach30.org/blogs/jrs/2010-05-21-minutes-from-opendesignenginenet-requirements-meeting.html and on the CSTART "forums":http://cstart.org/forum/software-projects/cstartmach-30-joint-venture-for-web-based-engineering-project-management/ and "wiki":http://cstart.org/wiki/ODE. This work led to the development of the [[Wiki#Guiding-Values|Guiding Values]], [[Early Key Decisions]], and [[Potential Features]]. h1. Roadmap Documentation The following pages detail the goals and requirements for the software releases of ODE. * [[v0.1 - Private Alpha]] * [[v0.2 - Public Beta]] * [[v0.3 - UI Facelift]] * [[v0.4 - Wiki Enhancements]]