h1. Software Setup {{>toc}} h2. Introduction These instructions cover the software set up of the Ground Sphere Mk3. Note, these steps are for Windows (tested on Windows 10). h2. 1. Download required Software # Download the following files ## "Windows SDR Package - SDR Sharp": https://airspy.com/download/ (ver ## "WXtoImg": https://wxtoimgrestored.xyz/downloads/ (ver 2.10.11) ## "VBCable": https://www.vb-audio.com/Cable/ (pack 43) h2. 2. Install SDR Tools The purpose of these SDR tools is to allow the user to interact with his/her SDR Dongle. Without the necessary drivers and SDR#, it wouldn't be possible to receive images from NOAA satellites. # TODO # Open SDR Sharp # Select *WFM* in the *Radio* section # Set the bandwidth to 40000 in the *Radio* section !setup_sdrsharp_1.jpg! h2. 3. Install WXtoImg WXtoImg is the software used in this project that processes the received audio signal and generates the image. WXtoImg also has a feature that receives the audio signal via audio input and plots the image in real time as it is being received. This is the significant advantage over doing the processing manually. # TODO # Open WXtoImg # Modify your location ## Select *Options* -> *Ground Station Location* ## Modify latitude and longitude to match your ground station location # Select *File* -> *Update Keplers* to update NOAA satellite TLEs h2. 4. Install VBCable VBCable allows the user to pipe audio directly into WXtoImg, and plot an image in real time. This software creates a virtual audio cable that leads from SDR# to WXtoImg. # TODO # Modify a setting in SDR Sharp ## Run SDR Sharp (if not already open) ## In the *Audio* section, select the *Output* selector to *CABLE Input*