h1. Link Budget References {{>toc}} h2. Background Material * "Link Budget Calculation":http://www.piscespacific.org/livesite/files/Link_Budget_Calculation.pdf * "Tutorial on Basic Link Budget Analysis":http://www.sss-mag.com/pdf/an9804.pdf h2. Example Calculations * "KickSat Ground Station Link Budget":https://github.com/kicksat/groundstation/blob/master/Link%20Budgets.xlsx (MS Excel) * "Jan King's AMSAT link budget +extensive+":http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/AMSAT-IARU_Link_Model_Rev2.5.3.xls (MS Excel) h2. Video Tutorials These vidoes are proof of concept video tutorials, and will be replaced with a more polished version as time permits. * "Link Budgets Part 1, Intro to Satellite Link Budgets":https://youtu.be/WLhLYSvHmNY * "Link Budget part 2, Transmission Segment":https://youtu.be/x8Jsyc0CYLU * "Link Budget part 3, Trigonometry Refresher":https://youtu.be/pexhLdsp9J0 * "Link Budget part 4, Propagation Loss":https://youtu.be/nFxdoXbmURw * "Link Budget part 5, Ground Segment": * "Link Budget part 6, Putting It All Together": * "Link Budget part 7, Software Solutions":