
This document contains Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) for both the prototype and production QA. The prototype plan is designed to ensure the design meets with the specified requirements. The QA plan is designed to ensure kits meet quality requirements before being shipped to a customer.

Prototype TEMP

Prototype test and evaluation cover the full range of ground station functions. This includes satellite tracking, signal acquisition, "space tweet" decoding. Additionally, the assembly process will be tested in later prototypes.

Requirement Requirement Title Verification Method Version Status Notes
TR 1.1.1 Predict SkyCube flyover opportunities Demonstration v0.1 Pass (2013.12.05) Using 3rd party tool, GPredict which meets requirement
TR 1.1.2 Receive radio signals on 915 MHz Test v0.1 TBD Test 1.1.2 Instructions

