h1. Meeting Minutes v1.0 h2. Onsite Meetings with Adler Planetarium (June 15, 2012) * [[Meeting 1 - Initial Questions]] * [[Meeting 2 - Block Diagram]] h2. Design Meetings with Adler Planetarium (Video) h3. Design Documentation Meeting 1 {{youtube(7IbrQeAEucQ)}} {{youtube(fRtkUDmvfxg)}} h3. Design Documentation Meeting 2 {{youtube(K1pVkHwV3xA)}} {{youtube(PtTZxVpIurY)}} h3. Design Documentation Meeting 3 {{youtube(URkn71gZ9hA)}} {{youtube(n3EWdgE394Q)}} h3. Design Documentation Hangouts with Quelab Hackerspace {{youtube(x44JIczRCoc)}} {{youtube(uDm4W5Pquyo)}} {{youtube(ZK2CyWdlwZw)}} {{youtube(UNcIbMnTpR8)}} h2. Launch Day Documentation (Video) h3. Initial Tracking Equipment Setup on Launch Day {{youtube(EAxzEhUrykE)}} {{youtube(eIdmghUHnlE)}} h3. Launch Day Intro by J {{youtube(M6vdWpyZBRc)}} h3. Launch Day Morning Briefing with Ken Walczak {{youtube(dHQjk-QiXVw)}} {{youtube(y5HQeXLtexU)}} h3. Prelaunch Setup and Assembly {{youtube(WVTEO4e6hQs)}} {{youtube(8vkibRwwcvg)}} {{youtube(ztcAZ4mbmvo)}} {{youtube(JhqMt9FJzjE)}}