Meeting: Jun 15, 2012


Mach 30: J., Jeremy
Adler: Mark


Start: 12:30 CDT
End: 14:30 CDT


  • Create Block Diagram


  • Create Block Diagram
    • Determined there are 3 major sub-systems
      • Flight Vehicle - all the parts that fly to altitude
      • Setup System - the tools/equipment needed to prepare and launch the flight vehicle
      • Chase and Recovery System - the vehicle and supporting equipment needed to locate and recover the flight vehicle
    • Developed sub-block diagrams on the flip chart for each sub-system (see below)

flight_vehicle.jpg (239.3 kB) J. Simmons, 06/16/2012 05:07 am

setup.jpg (266.4 kB) J. Simmons, 06/16/2012 05:07 am

chase_recovery.jpg (248.8 kB) J. Simmons, 06/16/2012 05:07 am

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