h1. Power/Temp Monitor and Control System (EPS/ECLSS) Budget h3. Preliminary Budget |_.Schematic|_.Description|_.Prototype Cost|_.Production Cost | | C1|68uF Capacitor|$.49|$1.15 | | C2|120uF Capacitor|$0.62|$0.62 | | Cf1|1uF capacitor|$0.14|$1.15 | | Cf2|1uF capacitor|$0.14|$1.15 | | D1|1N5817 Schottky diode|$0.27|$0.19 | | L1|100uH Inductor|$0.18|$0.09 | | Ra1|47k Ohm .25W Resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rb1|47k Ohm .25W Resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rb2|47k Ohm .25W Resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rf1|4.7 Ohm .25W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rf2|4.7 Ohm .25W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rf3|4.7 Ohm .25W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rf4|4.7 Ohm .25W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | RL1|180 Ohm .5W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | RL2|180 Ohm .5W resistor|$0.37|$0.03 | | Rs1|.068 Ohm 10W resistor|$2.14|$2.14 | | Rs2|.068 Ohm 10W resistor|$2.14|$2.14 | | U1|LM2594M-3.3/NOPB Voltage regulator|$2.70|$2.70 | | U2|TMP102 Temp sensor (I2C)|$5.95|$1.69 | | U3|INA226 Current and voltage sensor|$6.33|$3.38 | | U4|INA226 Current and voltage sensor|$6.33|$3.38 | | |3 position jumper block|$.22|$.13 | | |5mm barrel jack, 2.1mm center pole|$4.95|$1.12 | | |8 position screw terminals|$2.45|$2.45 | | |Populated Ethernet Booster Pack (MSP430 MCU)|$25.00|$25.00 | | |EPS PC board (in qty. 10)|$0.00|$12.00 | | |Subtotal|$58.21|$60.75 | | |Labor|$1362.50|$135.52 | | |*TOTAL*|*$1420.71*|*$196.27* |